Monday, August 26, 2013

First Day of 6th Grade

Today my oldest started 6th grade. I am sad that school time is upon us again. We had a great summer full of memories with the kids and I was not ready to have it all end. (not that we do not make memories during the school year BUT we just cannot cram in as much!)

This is his last year in the Centennial School, next year he is in middle school. Whaaaaaaaat?! My babyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! Time. Flies. So. FAST!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Wordless Wednesday - Swimming Trio

Sunday, August 18, 2013

1-2-3-4 4 kids, mwah-ah-ah

Saturday morning, I woke up at 4 am. Jumped in the shower, got ready, woke up Gary and loaded up the car. We headed to Sesame Place (almost 6 hours away with stops) for a fun filled day with my cousin and her son.

Remember when I won tickets from Amy? I decided to buy a season pass for the 5th ticket we needed. Economically it made sense since we would get free parking, 30% off of food and merchandise, I could buy the last 2 tickets at 50% off, and we planned on going next year as well. It was a good decision!

It was a VERY long day for the parents. Gary and I stayed awake for about 23 hours straight. Driving too and from on the same day as spending 10 hours at the park was tiring. We won't be doing that again, heh. Next time we will get a hotel room and stay over night.

The kids loved it! They had a blast. Charlie was not a fan of the characters up close. She cried when we tried to get her to take a picture with them, but she did waive and get excited from afar. The boys loved the water slides and pools. Charlie liked the pools but was not a fan of the slides.

We started our day with lunch and a quick look at the map. Followed it up with some rides, rope climbing, bouncing and changing into our swim suits for the pool.

I did not take any pictures on the slides or the pool. I could not bring myself to leaving my camera with our stuff when we were not close to it.

After changing back into our clothes and eating dinner, we headed over to main street to meet some characters. And we saw Elmo Rocks! The kids were up dancing the entire time. Their faces made the entire day worth it!

After watching the show, we went shopping for some souvenirs and lined up for the night time parade. 

Charlie was falling asleep on Gary's shoulders so I quickly took her to bathroom and we met everyone else on the way to the car. The kids had an awesome job and we will be going back! All 3 little ones were asleep before we left the parking lot, Dom followed suit an hour later. After we rolled into our drive way after 3 am, Gary and I were spent. We threw the kids in bed with us and crashed. I was awoken by a text from our dear friend, Stef, who had been in labor all night long, it is baby day for her!! The kids woke up at 8 and I woke everyone else up after 9, when I had finished cooking a big breakfast.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Life Over Here

*We are prepping for back to school. I did almost all of my shopping online this year! It was great to just be able to order all of Dom's clothes and have them shipped. No crowds. No long day.

*We are going to pick up his backpack and lunch bag this week at Dick's Sporting Goods. Then head over to Target to get all of his new pencils, pens, paper etc.

*Dom is VERY excited to go back to school. He has his outfit already picked out and hanging in his closet out front for all to see.

*Charlie is going through something. She keeps waking up screaming at night. Half the time she has to go potty, the other half she is just crying. She is doing it multiple times a night. I am T-I-R-E-D!

*Logan is having frequent growing pains. Poor little buddy keeps complaining about his legs, especially his knees.

*Speaking of knees, Charlie's are as bruised and scratched up as the boys are. This girl can keep up for sure!

*Our night at the hotel for Gary's birthday was a complete bust for me. I slept very little. Not enough pillows and an uncomfy bed does not bode well for sleep. At least for me. Gary on the other hand, was asleep by 9:30. Next time G and I want to catch up on sleep as our birthday gift, we will get a hotel for the kids and stay home to sleep.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Trendy Tot Tuesday

Time to link up with Kelly, Megan and Lindsay
for Trendy Tot Tuesday!
Dress: Gymboree
Bow: Gymboree
(adorable bonus of Lily)

Hat: Crayola Factory
Shirt: The Children's Place
Shorts: Reebok


 Shirt: Crazy 8
Shorts: Arizona (JcPenney)
(adorable bonus of the Lily's)

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Trent Tot Tuesday

Time to link up with Kelly, Megan and Lindsay
for Trendy Tot Tuesday!
With back to school coming before I know it, I have started and almost completed fall shopping for the kids. I still have a few things left for Charlie but the boys are pretty much done!
Items that I am looking into getting for Charlie:
Baby Dots
I love this outfit! Blue is my favorite color and this is the perfect way to add it into C's wardrobe. And mary jane shoes should be a staple in all girls shoe collections. All from Gymboree. 

I did buy Logan these pieces in the spring as a buy ahead for this fall. All from Gymboree.
Joe Freshâ„¢ Henley - Boys 4-14  
Joe Freshâ„¢ Woven Shirt - Boys 4-14  
Boys Boot-Cut Jeans
Dominic picked out a lot of t-shirts and button down bold shirts like the 2 above from JcPenney. His jeans are from Old Navy. I am happy to say that I only had to buy him ONE pair of jeans because he still had 6 in great condition from last year.
Are you ready for fall yet?

Monday, August 5, 2013

Life over here

*We celebrated Lily's third birthday yesterday. Steph had her house decorated with red and yellow and all things Daniel Tiger! She did an awesome job.

*I won those tickets from Amy to Sesame Place! I am so EXCITED and so are my kids. We will be having a fun filled day of driving 10 hours (round trip) and a full day at the park. With my cousin and her 3yo son, Logans best buddy!

*Gary turns 32 this Friday. We will celebrate by having a family day of fun. Followed by a night at The Sheraton for G and I. A movie. A cupcake. Maybe pizza. All in bed and without a toddler foot in my face. Yes, please!

*There are only 3 weekends left before school starts. And, um, we have things planned each weekend. Summer flew by in the blink of an eye.

*I am getting my foot looked at on Thursday. With 3 kids in tow. I have not been able to jog since it started 6 weeks ago and need to get back to it. And I am tired of the pain. Needles will be involved and I am not looking forward to that.

*Gary and I need to clean out the basement again. How does it get so cluttered so quickly? We just purged all the things in January and February! Send help, mkay?

*I always have a lot of my mind.

*Recently G and I have been hit with some major purchase items all at once. Why does that always happen? It has been a lovely shit storm of needing car repairs, a new tv, never ending $ being sunk into the almost done bathroom, etc.

*I am more than just a full time working Mommy. I have not had a minute to myself in a long time. I NEED to change that.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Saturday Top Five Laughs

Time to link up with Melissa for some laughs! Come join the fun.
dentistmelsbbutton Saturdays Top Five Laughs  Come Join Our Blog Hop! 
5. While we were putting Charlie to bed, we were singing twinkle twinkle little star. She sang along while her eyes were rolling back into her head. BUT her lips never stopped moving until she was out!
4. Last weekend my Mom came over for dinner. During the afternoon we were out on the front porch watching Dominic ride his rip stick down the road. Logan decided he had to go potty and whipped down his pants in front of all our neighbors. Everyone laughed and said "Well when you gotta go, you gotta go!"
3. Charlie is becoming quite the stinker when it comes to naps. She has basically given them up at home. Even if Logan falls asleep, she runs around the house until you hold her down in her bed or on the couch. Then she screams and cries until she wears herself out and finally falls asleep. 
2. We had our friends over for dinner on Thursday and watched as the bigger kids played Hunger Games. It was quite funny to watch them run towards all these bags of random things while getting hit with a squirt gun. 
1. When Charlie knows she is not allowed to say a bad word, she will say "No say _______, bad word!" But she still figures out a way to say it!