Wednesday, January 12, 2011

This That and oh yeah that other thing

I am tired of the snow already.  It gets in the way...big time!  Gary was gone for over 12 hours yesterday of which 3 hours was commute time. Thankfully, he worked from home today and Dom had a school cancellation.

Speaking of Drs and all the apts, this month is NUTS!  I had my Ob apt at the beginning of the month, had a sick visit for the upper respiratory infection and my toe infection, have to have my glucose test done on Saturday, blood work for my thyroid done on Saturday, get my toe surgery done tomorrow, get my neck sonogram done Sat the 29th (which I will miss part of my sons darn birthday party for!) and finally have my endocrinologist apt on the 27th.  Can we say expensive month just for me!  Logan also had a sick visit and has his 15 month check up this month.  Dom will also has his 9 year check up.  DUDE enough with the visits, already!

I thought once the new year started that our schedules would *maybe* calm down a bit. Ha, nope!  Last weekend we had a birthday party...which was so much fun for us adults even.  This weekend Gary is going to an all day guy thing on Saturday while the kids, my Mom and I head to a 31 party at Katie's.  After, we have dinner plans.  The weekend of the 22nd, we have no plans except to start getting ready for the MOM sale in March. The next weekend we have 2 birthday parties for Dom scheduled on the same day.  Before we know it, February will be upon us.  Maybe if I blink enough times then my due date will be here!

I have many friends and co-workers who are currently expecting babies.  I have started researching for some of the showers that I will be involved in.  It was then that I came across the most horrific shower cake EVER.  It was a naked woman pulling a baby out of her...well you know what!  Made out of modeling chocolate complete with hair, nips and everything else life like you can imagine.  It really threw me for a loop and I may have even choked on my water.  WHO WOULD WANT THAT?  Um, not me nor any person that I will be helping give a shower for....that is for sure!  If I were giving you a shower, what theme would most like?  Milk and Cookies, Ducky or Diapers?

So many thoughts, so little time...and really no clever saying to sum up my ramblings!


  1. Good luck with all the appointments! Our month has been insane, too. I doubt I'll ever get a break. We'll see you at Dom's party!
