Sunday, November 6, 2011

Busy Busy Busy Rambling Busy Busy Ramble

It seems that we are constantly on the move. I know it is not going to get any better until January. Or make that February.

This weekend we didn't even get the entire house clean. I still have the bedrooms and laundry to do tomorrow night. Daylight savings is the culprit. And the fact that Dom slept 13 hours on Friday night, which made him not sleep at all on Saturday night. And that Charlie and Logan both have colds. Sleeping for me has been somewhat non-existant lately. I feel like I have a newborn again. So all kids were in bed by 8:30 and I am blogging while watching the Steelers...probably not going to make it past half time.

Our bathroom is still not remotely done. Finding the time is just not happening. I am thinking that we will be showering downstairs until after Christmas. That really makes me a sad panda.

I did manage to go pick up our new stockings and tree skirt that I ordered. I am super excited. I will have to change the color combination of our tree to red/green/gold from blue/white/silver. I am totally okay with that. Black Friday will have me getting some stuff for the house :)

We are ALMOST ready for Christmas. Wait, what? Did I just say type that? Yes, I did. I only have a couple more gifts for each kid to get. Our grab bag gifts. Parent gifts and teachers. And that is it. YAY! I may have some wrapped already and hidden in boxes in the basement. Yeah, I am a total over achiever. I have maybe talked the husband into getting a real tree this year. I have not had one since I was 3. I want one! Dang-it.

This week is going to be crazy busy, nuts, fun and tiring. Tomorrow is a work day and then finish laundry. Tuesday is work again and Charlie's 6th month check up. Wednesday is a twitter/blogger Mom/baby play date get together here. Thursday I have to work in the office. (might not sound like a lot but it is for me. Getting 3 kids to daycare/sitter houses and be there by 7 am is not fun, ahem) Friday is working again and parent teacher conference for Dominic. This weekend is going to be nice so I am going to be working outside to decorate for Christmas, cleaning, laundry, shopping ect.

Hope everyone has a great week!


  1. Wow!! You guys are so busy! Forget about cleaning. On the agenda today, was putting away the kids clothes and nothing get done. I keep saying tomorrow- total proscrasinator. Hope you had a nice weekend!

  2. Wow! You wore ME out just reading! Looking forward to Wednesday!!! :)


  3. You are my day I want to have the crazy life of 3 kids...haha, well, maybe after 2 I will change my mind, but for now I have set the bar high!

    Excited for the T/MB playdate :)Let me know what I can bring!!

  4. I am also tired just from reading it. I don't know how you do it with 3, I'm wore out with 2!! I understand the getting to work/daycare in the morning is the most challenging thing I do all day! Hope you get to rest sometime before February!

  5. Can you now come and do all of my Christmas shopping and wrap it too? Usually I am so organised but not this year!!
    You sound busy but in a good way (except for the housework!)

  6. Thanks girls! Gary and I laugh when we can't get typical every day stuff done. But that is the know its okay that we do not always have a spotless house and clean laundry! 3 kids is always craziness but I would not change it!

    Kerry, I love shopping and wrapping! Sure I can come do it for you :)

  7. You are awesome! I finished out shopping a few weeks ago, its nice to not have to worry and just enjoy the season! I change our tree color scheme every year...I get bored quick...but it sure is expensive...eek!


  8. Yay for ordering new Christmas decorations!! :oD I am trying to get a really big head start on Christmas shopping this year too! Actually, since I was pregnant last year at this time and due at the end of November, I was determined to get it all done by the end of November. When I accomplished that I felt SO good about getting it all done! That's why I'm trying to do it again this year. :o)

    For Love of Cupcakes

  9. You are WAY more organized than I'll ever be again! Like woa. Looking forward to Wed!! :)

  10. Girl you are busy! But it sounds like mostly fun stuff. Oh, and I'll be wrapping gifts on Christmas Eve. :)

  11. Your schedule sounds like mine lately. It just keeps getting busier, too!
    I'm jealous that you're almost done shopping! I started in January and I'm only an eighth of the way through!
    Looking forward to Wednesday!
