Saturday, October 30, 2010

Planning party of 1.3

Since becoming a Mom, I have not really been a fly by the seat of your pants type person.  I like to plan, I like to know and I just like to be aware.  I am not a total stick in the mud and do accept late invites for things and do go out without having an exact plan for the day sometimes.  But, lately my planning has been horrible!  Pregnancy throws a spin on everything...including my prep and plan work.

Weekly I plan:
grocery list
parties/get togethers or outings
shopping list (bday stuff, xmas, random other crap)
bill paying

I have spreadsheets and yes I am known for them!  My Dad used to make fun of me (in a loving fatherly way) for it.  (funny little story insert moment: I had spreadsheet after spreadsheet for our wedding.  seating charts. cake. menu. guest lists. songs. everything had its place on a spreadsheet PERIOD. You have to plan when you are on a budget to have exactly what you want!  My parents gave me X amount of dollars and Gary and I had X amount of dollars and I did the best I could do with that money...thank you spreadsheets!  AND THEN THE DJ LOST HALF OF OUR MUSIC on his computer and my spreadsheets went to shit...I panicked.  Fear set eyes grew wide and my temperament changed to angry bride on a mission mode.  It was a sight to see when our entire wedding party and other close friends outside with us were running around to their cars and attempting to find a song to be announced to.  It was crazy and none of our 250 guests realized that we did NOT pick the song we got announced to) I still get picked on every now and again by my family for my spreadsheets but hey they come in handy and keep me on my toes. (Insert my cousin, Mom, Aunt and Sister here who all made fun of me for my spreadsheets for her baby shower *waves hi* but hey we got er done and it was beautifully decorated!)

So anyway....I have not been a good planner for the last 2 months.  My poor baby Logan's first birthday was all bought the night before and day of his party.  *hand on head in embarrassment*  That is so not me.  I am always partially done Christmas shopping by now and really have only a few presents bought.  I feel like a different version of the real me currently and it is weird. I have gone grocery shopping without lists, without coupons and have not planned a meal in forever.  It is nuts, crazy and expensive.  I am ready to get back to the former if I can just find the energy to be that me!


  1. I am the same way...not so much with the spreadsheets but I have lists for everything and I used to be so good at planning but since having Lincoln, I am horrible at it. I am so stinking forgetful!
