Saturday, October 4, 2014

School Days

The summer went by so fast this year and before we knew it, it was time for school to be back in session. Dominic started middle school this year, 7th grade!

A new school for Dominic. He switches classes and teachers for every period. He has a gym locker and has to change into gym clothes. He has to get up at 6 am and get on the bus at 6:52. This kid is really growing up.

He decided to continue on with orchestra and is still playing the cello. He also decided to join in student government. He got his PSSA scores from last year and still continues to be advanced in everything. We are very proud of him!

Logan also started pre-k this fall. We had to wait a month to see about some scheduling conflicts and a potential job opportunity. He started late but was SO excited for the first day! He talked about it all day long. He got to cut paper and make a tree and write his name. This kid, I adore him.

My boys are growing up so fast! Next year we will have an 8th grader, a kindergartener and a pre-k girl. I may need to hold back the tears.


  1. Good luck boys on this new school year!! Middle school...gah, I would never wanna go back to that stage.

  2. They are too cute and so grown up! I still can't believe he's in 7th grade!
