Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Half Year


Much to my surprise, you are 6 months old now. I have spent the last 6 months holding, loving, kissing, changing, wiping, bathing, talking, giggling, staring and adoring you.

This past month has lead you to be able to sit up better with your boppy pillow, although not too steady yet! You are moving and grooving with the rolling and scooting where you want to go.  You have gotten up on your hands and knees and rocked yourself into a face plant. Mommy may have laughed at you just a bit when you did. I kid, or maybe I really did. You still love to be in your exersaucer and on belly playing on the floor.  You have stacking cups that have been your favorite toy along with your My First Baby Alive dolly.

Your face is still filling out and we can see you smile from behind! Your still a sweet chubby thing that is super long! Your eyes have stayed a fabulous deep blue. Your hair has curls too it when you are fresh out of the bath. That long wonderful dark brown hair makes us giggle. You know, since you have some balding spots and looks like an old mans comb over on occasion! You do have a rash on your face from rubbing all of the drool everywhere on it! And the big thing of the month is YOU GOT YOUR FIRST TOOTH on the bottom right! Whoa, you are a cranky teether. But you made it, and so did we. And you have the left bottom tooth coming in right beside it. So we are bracing ourselves for the cranktastic beast that you become. Girls. Are. All. Drama!

You are eating just about all fruits and veggies. So far, so good. No complaints or funny faces with any of them! Next up is meats and yogurt. We did try cheerios but you gag on them. So we are holding off on those and puffs for now! You mostly eat 4 bottles a day of around 4-6 ounces of formula. You still have to take medicine for your reflux but have been so happy since we got it under control.

Your sleeping improved a ton. But then you got sick with a cold. (darn daycare, darn brothers, darn putting all the things in your mouth)  Like clockwork, you are ready for a morning nap between 1.5-2 hours after waking up. It is usually around an hour long. Then you are awake again for 2 hours and take a longer nap of around 1.5-3 hours (depending on how you slept the night before) and finally you take a small nap of around 45 minutes about 3 hours after getting up. Then you go to bed between 8-9 and wake up between 5-8.  If you could just get that all into a nice neat ball of bed from 8-8 and then 2 separate 2 hour naps a day, that would be great. Mmmmkay?!

You do not have your check up until next month but I am guessing you are around 19 pounds and 26 inches.

I love watching you grow. Love watching you learn. Love, love, love snuggles and the hugs that you give. But please baby girl, slow down a bit!  You have your whole life ahead of you :)


  1. Her eyes are awesome! I didn't realize how close our girls are isn age. I like the letter form of this post, so wonderful for her to read when she is older. We have a crankball teether too, but no teeth yet!

  2. OMG I can't wait to meet her! :)

  3. Good GRACIOUS it goes fast. Happy half year :)

  4. Happy 6 months! This is such a fun month!

  5. Aww....she is a cutie! I love the belly sticker, never saw one with their name on it before, very cute!
