Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day

What is a Father?

*Someone who guides you
*Someone who cares for you
*Someone who helps you
*Someone who teaches you
*Someone who is always there for you
*Someone who corrects you when needed
*Someone who strives to give you what they never had

A Father is and always will be a rock in your life. You may not know or appreciate things while you are small, but you will grow up to realize exactly what he was doing for you! A Father is someone who loves you through it all and would not change you for anything.

Have you thanked your Father today for all the awesome that he brings?


  1. Aw, love all those pictures! Happy Monday!

  2. Love all the Daddy pics, I don't see him much around here. Gary is a lucky guy to have you and those beautiful kiddos!

  3. AW! I love all the Dad pics. Hope he had a great dads day!
