Thursday, August 30, 2012

Spilling it

I have always wanted to be an FBI pro-file'r.

There are many days where my eyes bug out of my head.

I like to be comfy and probably wear pajamas more than clothes some times.

I am secretly worried about Charlie's vocabulary. I know she is only 16 months old but both boys were so talkative at this point.

Kittens are cute but I dislike cats. 

I love the beach but not a real fan of swimming in the ocean.

Runny noses are gross. Even my own kids.

I only put away laundry once a week but I usually do 2 loads a day.

I am not a fan of paying full price for things. I spend time online searching out deals. I buy ahead so that my kids can wear adorable clothes that do not cost a fortune!

I am a planner. Spreadsheets are my friend.


  1. I hate runny noses too! so gross

    I will not swim in the ocean...I go up to my shins and that is it!

  2. Love the blog re-design! Great colors!! I kinda miss the smiling faces at the top but there they are on the right! So it's all good. I love color. #snippet :-)

    My eyes bug out of my head a lot. I can picture this happening. Haha I love pajamas. The human body is pretty gross period. Amazing. But also gross. I worry a little that my 15 MO still isn't walking on her own. But she's practicing with us, so that's good. Really I just want her to walk so her palms and hands and knees and toes and outfit butts don't get so dirty!! I spent five minutes in the ocean before a big storm blew in so shins are as far as I got. And I didn't have a bathing suit then either. Let me tell you it is hard to be so close to an almost-FBI profiler. You get "profiled" sometimes. Interrogated. It's hard. Lol

    I love your snippets. Great post!

  3. I too, am loving the new design! PJ's are totally awesome, I think employers would have much happier employees if they would just let us wear PJ's every day!!

    1. Haha. That is the best perk of working at home!

  4. Friend, we are so much alike. #1 was so me. I was actually considering it when applying to colleges! Love the blog makeover. I am trying to do mine, bit by bit. My header is still open in photoshop from days ago. HA!
