Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas Eve

We always spend Christmas Eve at my Dad's side of the family. Although times have changed the way the night works, we always enjoy our time with family.

We have the pajama tradition in this house. Before we leave for my Aunts, the kids get to open their new Christmas pjs! I love this tradition. The kids love it too.

The kids were all wound up before we left for the party. Logan was trying to grab his other gifts from us to open. No such luck little man! We wait to open gifts until Christmas morning in this house.

Charlie was being a goof and making faces. She is very much into her 'I adore my Daddy' phase of toddler hood. Constantly sitting on his lap!

She also adores watching her big brother play on his Ipod or phone. She loves watching the games or videos. I love it too since it gives me a few minutes of peace.

Logan is forever playing with duplo blocks. He is always on the move, climbing and playing. This kid is all BOY!

When we got to my Aunts, Charlie closed her eyes as to not have anyone see her. She is such a funny little thing. She is pretty shy and quiet, compared to her brothers. Charlie was all about sitting on Nana's lap and watching her family. She takes a bit to warm up but once she does, she is one of the centers of attention. (along with Logan because he is a Ham!)

When the night was coming to end, Logan wound down by playing on my phone while the adults dug into some delicious food. We said our good byes and headed home before midnight. Santa still had to come and we were all pretty tired!

After the kids were fast asleep, Santa arrived and left some wonderful things under the tree. We are truly blessed! Santa was here!!


  1. I love the PJ tradition, I am starting that next year w. Breanna.

    Breanna does the eyes closed you cant see me thing too lol silly girls

    looks like the kids made out good! :)

  2. We have the PJ tradition too! This year it was a little different because we didn't go home to our family and their traditional Christmas Eve party. Instead, we got dressed into our pj's and drove around looking at Christmas lights! Charlie is so cute!

  3. I'm glad you had a nice time with your family!
    Cute pics!

  4. Looks like a great time! I love Christmas even more now that I have a kid...and you get the magic x3!
